Boost linux cygwin tutorial
Boost linux cygwin tutorial

Example 2: To run all test cases in the suite. Example 1: To show more detailed report in XML add command-line arguments: -loglevelall -reportformatXML -reportleveldetailed. See: Boost.Test > Components > The Unit Test Framework > Components > The Test Log. And workerThread.join() on the other hand forces the worker thread to join the main() after it's done or if terminated as requested by requeststop if it's true. To customize the output or to run a single test use some command-line arguments. It should be obvious that the worker thread is the function workerFunc() run by the line boost::thread workerThread(workerFunc) in the very beginning of the main() function. The main thread will continue as is and will ask you in the beginning of the program if you wish for the worker thread to stop, if you type y, it will change the sentinel value of a variable requeststop to true and that will cause the worker to stop and ultimately workerThread.join() will cause it to join the main() once again. In the first example above, when you run the program, it immediately starts a worker thread that sleeps four seconds and prints status twenty times. However, the real header files are already linked with -I (include) option that is already pointed to the boost_1_45_0 folder.


As shown in the C++ code above Im using two libraries thread.hpp and datetime.hpp, hence we are required to address the related libraries that are used to link these headers. As shown in the C++ code above I'm using two libraries thread.hpp and date_time.hpp, hence we are required to address the related libraries that are used to link these headers. I compiled my Boost libraries, and they came out with the following file names and among others. I compiled my Boost libraries, and they came out with the following file names libboost_ and libboost_date_ among others. C++ -I /path-to-boost/boost_1_45_0 /path-to-code/boost_threading.c++ -o boost_threading.exe /path-to-lib/libboost_ /path-to-lib/libboost_date_"

Boost linux cygwin tutorial